Transitioning Back to Work After Drug Rehab

The long-term nature of addiction means that relapse is likely if treatment is not ongoing. Going back to rehab can be scary, especially if you don’t know where to start. Talk with a treatment provider or your counselor to get recommendations and treatment referrals. No, if you relapsed or slipped up, your prior treatment did not fail. Slips and relapses are indicators that you need additional support and treatment to stay sober. If you have relapsed after treatment, it does not mean you will never find lasting recovery or that it is worthless to try again.

You will work with health care and addiction treatment professionals to make changes to your initial treatment plan. Treatment programs also often have limited space, so they are more inclined to keep patients who truly want to change and are dedicated to treatment. There is no reason to stay at a treatment facility if you are not working toward recovery. If programs didn’t remove the patients who are not making the necessary adjustments, then they would have to turn away people who are serious about getting control of their addiction.

Why Didn’t Rehab Work The First Time?

By 25 October, the album was approaching five-time platinum in the UK, making it the best-selling record of 2007. Time magazine named “Rehab” at number one on their 10 Best Songs of 2007. All Addiction Group content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure as much factual accuracy as possible. Relapse Prevention Relapse is sometimes seen as an inevitable part of addiction… What to Do if You Relapse If you relapse after treatment, don’t panic. Even if you haven’t returned to your substance of choice, rehab might be a good idea if you turn to other substances to cope.

Relapse can be complex, and it is imperative to view your first treatment cycle as the beginning of your journey with addiction. Every treatment cycle after that is a continuation toward recovery. We help people with addictions and substance use disorders recover. We use the ancient practice of mindfulness with the 12 Steps to help you find deep healing and recovery. If you’re considering, contact a treatment provider for more information. There are several additional factors to consider about treatment when deciding to go back. Because alcohol abuse alters the brain’s basic structure and function, negative changes can persist even after alcohol use has ceased.

Signs That Going Back To Rehab Is A Good Idea

Falling back into old habits is easy, as it’s a common response to cravings, boredom, triggers and doubt. Relapsing during the early stages of recovery is common, and many people who do so are able to bounce back and regain control of their sobriety. However, relapsing can be dangerous — once you stop using and lose your tolerance, you’re more likely to experience negative side effects or overdose when you use again. It is important to mention that one of the main reasons that a person ends up having to return to a rehab center is because they didn’t stay in treatment long enough the first time. If a person has only had one drink, they may be able to stop on their own. However, someone who has had an extended drug binge lasting several weeks or more should be admitted to a rehab program right away, because they could overdose if they don’t get urgent medical care.

going back to rehab

Patients who leave also often report that treatment retention was related to the support they received from friends, family, and others in recovery. In this case, it might be useful to some patients to explore their options for support groups. One of the clearest indicators that you need to go back to rehab is that you start using again.

Track listings and formats

In some cases it’s the facility that isn’t caring for patients well enough. Give careful thought to whether you would return to the same rehab program or try a new one before you make a choice. Not everyone needs to return to rehab for another intensive program, but if you do, remember many others do as well. If you don’t have a stable home life, or feel unable to break the cycle going back to rehab of relapse on your own, an inpatient rehab program would be a more suitable choice. Inpatient treatment may also be the right choice if it has been a year or longer since you were last in treatment. It is possible to halt a relapse before substance use is resumed if you, your sponsor, or a mental healthcare provider recognizes that you are in the early stages of relapse.

  • You will already have the foundations of many therapeutic processes, and it will be less intimidating than it was your first time.
  • It won three Grammy Awards at the 50th ceremony, including Record of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance.
  • Some people even differentiate between a “slip” or a “lapse” and a true “relapse.” A slip or lapse is described as a temporary or one-time return to using substances.
  • We will equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to form a healthy and bright future so you can thrive again.
  • Jeffrey Juergens earned his Bachelor’s and Juris Doctor from the University of Florida.

Knowing how to respond if a relapse happens is also incredibly important when it comes to maintaining long-term recovery. Lastly, the addicted person needs to try to get away from any places or people which could trigger them to start using drugs or alcohol again.

Related Resources

Laguna Treatment Hospital is located in Orange County within easy reach of the entire Los Angeles metro. We are the premier chemical dependency recovery hospital in the OC. We offer safe medical detox, mental health support, and wellness programs. The most important factors in making the decision to return to rehab have to do with your personal health and safety. If you have relapsed, it is important to seek help right away. If you feel you are at risk of relapsing or are a danger to yourself or others, rehab could quite literally save a life.